Thursday, February 14, 2013

Blog 6 (B) Response to Haley Bannon

Haley asked the question "Do you think that corporate responsibility should extend to the community where the outsourced work is?"

I think that corporate responsibility extends to all stake holders in a company. I do not mean stake holder in the direct sense of money invested into a company. I mean it in the sense of people who will be affected by an aspect of the company, people who work for the company, people in the companies community, people at other companies who make parts for the first company, these are all people who can be effected by the companies actions.

It becomes the corporations responsibility to take care of these stake holders, because without them happy or satisfied, they can join together and form a coalition or action group to fight the corporation's ways which will be bad for business. Regardless of whether the stakeholders are stateside or in a different country, the corporation should still be responsible for its actions.

Do you think that it is responsible for a corporation to outsource the work in the first place?

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